Jan 6 Committee To Receive Copy Of Alex Jones’ Cellphone Data ‘Immediately’: Report

Ron Delancer

Mark Bankston, the attorney representing two Sandy Hook parents in the Alex Jones defamation case, said Thursday that federal investigators and state law enforcement agencies, including the January 6 committee, have asked him to hand over text records mistakenly sent to him by the right-wing conspiracy theorist’s lawyer. In an emergency hearing this morning, Bankston said that he intends to do so “immediately.”

The multiple requests came after Wednesday’s revelation that an attorney for Alex Jones accidentally turned over a copy of his entire cellphone to Bankston, who is suing Jones on behalf of the Sandy Hook parents.

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“I am under request from various federal agencies and law enforcement to provide (the records),” Mark Bankston, the plaintiffs’ attorney, told Judge Maya Guerra Gamble. “Absent a ruling from you saying you cannot do that … I intend to do so immediately following this hearing.”

“I believe that there is absolutely nothing, nothing, that Mr. Reynal has done to fulfill his obligations to protect his client and prevent me from doing that,” he said, referring to Jones’ attorney, Andino Reynal.

“I’ve been asked by the January 6 committee to turn the documents over,” Bankston added later, according to Vice News.

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Bankston declined to specify which other investigators outside of the House committee expressed interest in obtaining Jones’ text records.

Read the full report on Vice News.

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