‘It’s Over!’: Joe Scarborough Can’t Stop Laughing At ‘Impotent’ Trump After He Lost Control Of GOP To Ron DeSantis

Ron Delancer

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough couldn’t help but laugh at Donald Trump, who he called “impotent” after Gov. Ron DeSantis had narrowly defeated the former president in a recent conservative straw poll.

In the opening segment of Tuesday’s edition of “Morning Joe,” the host seemed to relish the fact that Trump was powerless to respond to the news that Gov. Ron DeSantis had beaten him to become the NEW leader of the GOP.

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“I don’t know, it seems like it’s Ron DeSantis’ party — any other news?” Scarborough said, giggling. “I mean, he owns this place. Why don’t we just put ‘mission accomplished’ up at the RNC. It’s over, it is over.”

Scarborough and the other panelists rejoiced over the fact that Trump was largely silenced, unlike the days when they could set off a round of furious tweets by mocking or criticizing him on air.

“How does Trump try and take it back?” said panelist Katty Kay. “He’s silenced. He’s sort of impotent at this point — he can’t tweet, can’t go out on Facebook,” Kay said, seemingly intended to infuriate the ex-president, if he was watching.

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“No, he does these emails but I don’t know who reads them,” said co-host Mika Brzezinski, as Scarborough cackled and wiped tears from his eyes.

“He propped up DeSantis, talked about Desantis being his running mate in 2024,” said former RNC chair Michael Steele, “and DeSantis may be calling him, ‘Will you be my cabinet secretary?'”

“Help me, man,” Scarborough said. “He gave DeSantis his start, DeSantis wouldn’t be here but for him, and now all these people are saying it’s DeSantis’ party. Unfortunately for [Trump] it looks like DeSantis’ party.”

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