‘It’s a Disgrace!’: Trump Rips ‘Terrible’ Fox News For Rehiring Election Expert Who Called Arizona For Biden

Ron Delancer

Former President Donald Trump continued spreading his big lie about the election as he lashed out at Fox News after being asked to comment on the network’s decision to rehire Decision Desk Director Arnon Mishkin, who called Arizona for Joe Biden during the coverage of the 2020 election.

During an interview with Newsmax over the weekend, host John Bachman told Trump: “[Mishkin] also backed Obama and Hillary I’m told. Why do you think they hired him back?”

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“I think it’s terrible that they hired him back,” Trump replied. “He made a terrible call, it was a terrible thing to do. When you look at the numbers that came out and the findings from the report … when you look at those numbers, we won Arizona by a lot, we won other states by a lot — it was a rigged election — I think it was a disgrace that they hired him back.”

Watch Trump’s comments in the video below:

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