‘Idle In Disrepair’: Trump’s Personal Boeing 757 Is Sitting Unused At a NY Airport, Unable To Be Flown: Report

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump’s personal Boeing 757, which bears the former president’s name across the side in large block letters, is sitting unused at an Orange County, New York airport, unable to be flown, CNN reports.

According to the news network, the full-size passenger airliner has fallen into disrepair. One engine is shrink-wrapped and the other is missing parts. Getting it back into flying shape could reportedly cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Since becoming a private citizen, Trump has been flying on a smaller 1997 Cessna 750 Citation X corporate jet, CNN reported.

“The small jet isn’t his favorite,” a former White House official told CNN. “It also doesn’t have his name on the outside.”

The source went on to explain that cost behind operating the large airliner, which the Trump Organization website dubs his “crown jewel,” was a financial strain.

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“Flying that thing was so expensive. I don’t think people realized that just to get it up in the air and make one stop was literally tens of thousands of dollars,” the source told CNN.

Trump’s Boeing airliner, which includes a master bedroom, a 57-inch television and 24-karat gold seatbelt buckles, can comfortably fit 43 passengers.

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