‘I Signed My Own Death’: Regretful Trump-Voting Teacher Vows She ‘Will Be Voting For Biden In November’

Ron Delancer

Nancy Shively, a special education teacher who has voted Republican since 1976, is now vowing to vote for Joe Biden in November after realizing what a disaster the Trump presidency has been.

Writing a column for USA Today, Shively admits that she did the wrong thing by voting for Donald Trump in 2016 and is now really regretting it as the president shows no regards for educators by wanting to reopen schools in the middle of a pandemic.

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“When the pandemic hit, the incompetence of the man for whom I had voted and the complicity of everyone around him forced me to admit that I could no longer maintain any kind of self-respect as a Republican,” Shively wrote. “So even though I had voted Republican in every presidential election since 1976, I changed my voter registration to independent and I will be voting for Joe Biden in November.”

“Nevertheless,” she added, “I am still haunted because, deep down, I fear that with that vote I may have signed my own death warrant.”

Shively then spoke against Trump’s plans to reopen schools.

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“One young teacher I know has chronic kidney problems and is at high risk for complications if she contracts COVID-19,” Shively wrote. “She can’t quit her only source of income. Taking its cue from our governor, who hosted Trump’s rally and has now tested positive for COVID-19 himself, her school district has announced that wearing a mask will be optional, though the state is considering requiring it.”

“Her only choice right now, she told me, is to increase her life insurance and hope for the best,” Shively added. “That is not a choice. That is our government failing us.”

You can read her entire column HERE.

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