‘Gym’ Jordan Ridiculed After Threatening Biden With Investigations For Not Granting Trump Executive Privilege

Ron Delancer

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, has vowed that Republicans will subpoena President Joe Biden’s staff if they retake the House in 2022 because Biden refused to exert executive privilege to protect Donald Trump from the House Jan 6 probe.

“Joe Biden has evicerated [sic] Executive Privilege. There are a lot of Republicans eager to hear testimony from Ron Klain and Jake Sullivan when we take back the House,” Jordan wrote on Twitter.

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But Democrats are laughing off Jordan’s threat, saying he doesn’t understand executive privilege.

Appearing on CNN’s “The Situation Room” on Friday, Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) addressed Jordan’s remarks as he addressed the indictment of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress.

“They probably don’t understand executive privilege,” Khanna said, before adding: “First of all, Steve Bannon wasn’t working in the White House or for the president at the time. Second, executive privilege applies to sensitive communication and advice to the president. This is not that situation. This has nothing to do with national security. So I hope that none of the Republicans abuse the executive privilege. This is about having a private citizen answer for their role on January 6th.”

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Watch Khanna’s response below, via CNN:

Others took to Twitter to respond to Jordan’s threat:

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