Group Of Lifelong Republicans Endorse Biden, Say ‘Trump Must Be Defeated’

Ron Delancer

On Thursday, a group of lifelong Republicans wrote an editorial for the Washington Post announcing their support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden — arguing that we simply cannot afford another four years of Donald Trump as president.

Conservatives George Conway, Reed Galen, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Rick Wilson urged Americans to follow them in voting for Biden because the country is in desperate need of change in leadership.

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“Biden has the experience, the attributes and the character to defeat Trump this fall,” they write. “Unlike Trump, for whom the presidency is just one more opportunity to perfect his narcissism and self-aggrandizement, Biden sees public service as an opportunity to do right by the American people and a privilege to do so.”

“Unlike Trump, Biden is not an international embarrassment, nor does he demonstrate malignant narcissism,” they add. “A President Biden will steady the ship of state and begin binding up the wounds of a fractured country. We have faith that Biden will surround himself by advisers of competence, expertise and wisdom, not an endless parade of disposable lackeys.”

You can read their entire op-ed HERE.

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