GOP Senator Connected To Rudy Giuliani Plot To Smear Biden With Help From Russian Agent: Report

Ron Delancer

Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy Derkach has been sanctioned by the United States Treasury Department for allegedly trying to interfere in the U.S. election with the possible help of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

According to reports, Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani worked closely Derkach to push allegations of misconduct involving Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

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Derkach has been described by the Treasury Department as a “Russian agent.”

“Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world,” said Secretary Steven Mnuchin. “The United States will continue to use all the tools at its disposal to counter these Russian disinformation campaigns and uphold the integrity of our election system.”

Derkach had also been using Johnson and other Republican lawmakers by supplying them documents on broadcasts by the pro-Trump One America News Network aimed at undermining impeachment.

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“Between May and July 2020, Derkach released edited audio tapes and other unsupported information with the intent to discredit U.S. officials, and he levied unsubstantiated allegations against U.S. and international political figures,” the Treasury Department said in a statement. “Derkach almost certainly targeted the U.S. voting populace, prominent U.S. persons, and members of the U.S. government, based on his reliance on U.S. platforms, English-language documents and videos, and pro-Russian lobbyists in the United States used to propagate his claims.”

While Johnson is allegedly involved in undermining the 2020 election using a Russian agent, he is also chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs and is investigating the origins of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Trump’s ties to Russia, in addition to Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.

“The more that we expose of the corruption of the transition process between [Barack] Obama and Trump, the more we expose of the corruption within those agencies,” Johnson said last month, “I would think it would certainly help Donald Trump win re-election and certainly be pretty good, I would say, evidence about not voting for Vice President Biden.”

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