GOP Rep. Invokes Adam, Cites Cain Murdering Abel As Reason To Oppose Gun Control

Ron Delancer

U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) took to the House Floor on Thursday to deliver a sermon-like speech arguing against Democrats’ gun control bill, which includes provisions that 90 percent of Americans support.

Democrats were able to get eight House Republicans to join them on Thursday in passing a bill that would strengthen background checks.

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Higgins was one of the Republicans who opposed the bill, claiming gun control is blasphemy and appearing to suggest that if murder was OK for the son of Adam it’s OK for Americans.

“Judge John Paul Stevens, Your Honor, whatever… put together any badass socialists you can muster,” he wrote on Facebook. “As their attorney, make sure they have their affairs in order. Molon Labe. Captain Clay Higgins.”

On Thursday he reiterated his opposition to gun control measures in a more biblical fashion, appearing to suggest it is in man’s nature to kill, and that America is a Christian nation.

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“That laws designed to restrict Second Amendment rights and freedoms are about a veil to conceal the violence of man born since Adam, firstborn son of Adam killed his brother, in a violent rage,” Higgins preached, opposing the gun control bill. “I’m rather certain he did not use a firearm. The Second Amendment protections that we have as American citizens ‘shall not be infringed.’ Remember these words, and that they are born of a nation that recognized our service to our Lord.”

Take a look at his remarks below:

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