GOP Lawmaker Shreds ‘Shameful And Pathetic’ Giuliani For Entering ‘Realm Of Insanity’

Ron Delancer

Michigan state Rep. Aaron Miller (R) called out Rudy Giuliani this week and claimed the president’s attorney entered the “realm of insanity” with his testimony to lawmakers in Michigan.

Miller made the remarks following Giuliani’s wild testimony to the Michigan House Oversight Committee.

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“I’m happy to thoughtfully listen to evidence and claims and that was what today was supposed to be about, but Mr. Giuliani’s final statement waded into the realm of insanity,” Miller said, according to The Detroit News. “He made wild and broad partisan insults for several minutes that had nothing to do with the election, and it was frankly unacceptable, shameful, and pathetic and distracts from any evidence that we might hear.”

“I’m utterly embarrassed,” the lawmaker added.

You can see Giuliani’s unhinged remarks in the video clip below:

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