George Santos Says He Has Proof He’s Jewish

Staff Writer

Rep. George Santos (R-NY) claims to have new DNA evidence showing that has “a significant percentage of Jewish ancestry,” The Forward reports.

However, the scandal-plagued congressman also claims that he was asked not to share that evidence with the public “yet,” the Jewish news outlet reported.

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Citing a piece from Moment Magazine, two Hasidic reporters for the Yiddish-language Moment Magazine showed up at Santos’ office without advance warning last month, and were granted a sit-down with the congressman. They did not identify themselves as journalists.

The magazine story reportedly claims that Santos shared the exact percentage of his Jewish ancestry revealed in the supposed DNA tests, but asked them not to share it.” The Moment did not publish any of these results, the report states.

Santos’ claims of being Jewish were a major part of the litany of unsubstantiated claims that threw him under scrutiny after his re-election. Others include claims to have graduated from Baruch College, to have worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, that he knew people who perished in the Pulse Nightclub shooting, and that his mother was in the South Tower on 9/11.

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Some reports speculate that Santos is currently under a criminal campaign finance investigation after his reports turned up a number of irregularities including suspicious payments that don’t add up mathematically, and donors who don’t appear to exist.

Read more at The Forward.

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