Fox News Post-Convention Poll Shows Biden Leading Trump Nationwide

Ron Delancer

A Fox News poll released Sunday found that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 5 percentage points among likely voters nationally.

The network’s first survey since the party conventions this summer shows Biden leading 51 to 46 percent advantage. The poll found Biden leading among women, suburbanites, seniors, millennials, Hispanics and African Americans, while Trump leads with white voters, men, rural voters, white Catholics, Generation X and veterans.

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Voters prefer Biden to Trump on the issue of racial inequality by 12 points, handling the coronavirus by 8 points, health care by 8 points, Supreme Court nominations by 7 points and immigration by 7 points. Biden also has a 7-point advantage on policing and criminal justice and a slimmer 2-point advantage on maintaining law and order.

The single issue where Trump maintains an advantage is the economy, with a 5-point lead.

The poll also found that 87 percent of respondents are concerned about unemployment and 83 percent are concerned about the coronavirus pandemic. Although the president has made crime and violence central to his attacks on Biden, a smaller majority, 64 percent, said they were concerned about the issue.

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Asked whether the candidates have the compassion to serve as president, 62 percent said Biden does, compared to 44 percent who said Trump does. Fifty-one percent said Biden has the mental soundness to serve as president compared to 47 percent who say the same of Trump.

While a majority disapprove of the president’s response to coronavirus, positive views on the U.S. handling of the virus is up slightly from August. Eleven percent called the virus “completely” under control in the U.S., compared to 7 percent last month, while 19 percent said it was “mostly” under control, compared to 12 percent in August.

Forty percent said the virus was “not at all” under control, down from 49 percent in August. Thirty-percent called it “somewhat” under control, statistically unchanged from 29 percent in August.

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The poll was conducted among registered voters from September 7-10. The survey has a 2.5-point margin of error.

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