Fox News Contributor Wants Schools To Open Immediately Because Parents Want To ‘Shoot Theirs Heads Off’: ‘I’m One Of Those!’

Ron Delancer

Appearing for an interview with Fox Business host Stuart Varney on Monday, network contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy said that the pandemic stay-at-home rules are like a “national suicide” because parents “can’t do homeschooling” and want “to shoot their heads off.”

Campos-Duffy started off by slamming former President Barack Obama over his criticism of the government’s pandemic response.

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“President Obama didn’t respond to the swine flu pandemic for six months after a thousand people died and so it’s kind of rich coming from him,” she opined. “The last thing we need right now is more people being sour on the economy,” she added before claiming that people “don’t want handouts” from the government as economic relief.

“The way it was handled in New York has nothing to do with the way it’s happening [in middle America],” she told Varney. “When this is all over, New York media may be responsible for the death of rural health care because it is serious what’s happening here and there’s absolutely no reason for it.”

Campos-Duffy, who has nine children, went on to say that schools should also be opened immediately because the current stay-at-home rule is “like a suicide — a national suicide.”

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“Parents right now are wanting to shoot their heads off,” she complained. “Because they can’t do the homeschooling, our kids are suffering.”

“Frankly, I can tell you as a mom who is having to do this homeschooling, we’re failing,” Campos-Duffy added. “I saw a headline on Drudge — parents giving up on homeschooling — I thought, I’m one of those. It’s hard work.”


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