Florida Man Shoots Ex-Girlfriend In The Back Of The Head 15 Times Because She Didn’t Text Him Back

Chris Stevens

A new report revealed this week that a man in Florida confessed to shooting his ex-girlfriend in the back of her head 15 times after she refused to answer his calls and texts after their breakup.

23-year-old Carlos Lemont Jones told police that he was not regretful of shooting his former girlfriend Sha’Dayla A. Johnson.

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In fact, according to Law&Crime, Jones told police that if given the chance he would have not only killed his former girlfriend, but her father as well.

According to reports, “Cops in Melbourne, Florida, said they were dispatched Tuesday at 7:48 a.m. to the 2800 block of Colbert Circle. They found Johnson injured at a carport.”

“Sha’Dayla appeared to have multiple gunshot wounds concentrated in the back side of her body, suggesting she was shot as she was walking or running away from the perpetrator,” police said.

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Paramedics took her to a hospital, but she died on arrival.

You can read more on the incident HERE.

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