Federal Judge Throws Out Trump’s Lawsuit To Decertify Georgia Election

Ron Delancer

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit Monday that relied on conspiracy theories to try to invalidate Georgia’s election results.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten dismissed the lawsuit, which was bought by Trump attorney Sidney Powell in an attempt to decertify Georgia’s election.”

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The lawsuit had alleged ballot-stuffing, vote-flipping and voting machine tampering, among several other theories about how Trump could have lost in Georgia. But attorneys for state election officials said those accusations weren’t backed up by facts.

“They want this court to substitute its judgment for the 2.5 million voters who voted for Biden,” judge Batten said in court in Atlanta. “This I’m unwilling to do.”

The ruling leaves Georgia’s election intact, supporting state officials’ statements that there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

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Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday he plans to certify the election results again after a second recount that again confirmed Biden defeated Trump.

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