Ex-GOP Lawmaker Calls On God To ‘Smash The Delusion’ That Biden Won Election

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump has yet to concede after losing the election to Joe Biden. But it’s not just the president that is refusing the accept the results, his supporters still believe that he won the election.

One of those supporters is former congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Over the weekend, she called on God to “smash the delusion” that Biden has been elected president.

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“I ask, oh God, that you would take your iron rod, and I ask that you would smash the clay jar of deceit in America,” she prayed. “Smash the clay jar of delusion in the United States of America.”

“Smash the delusion, Father, of Joe Biden as our president — he is not,” she continued. “Would you take your iron rod and smash the strong delusion that Nancy Pelosi does have her House of Representatives — we don’t know that. Smash it in Jesus’ name!”

Take a look at her demands in the video clip below:

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