‘Doubling Down On Stupid’: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Don Jr, Lauren Boebert Ridiculed Over Claim Biden Plans To Ban Hamburgers

Ron Delancer

President Joe Biden’s plan to slash greenhouse emissions came under attack by Donald Trump Jr, GOP reps Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert and many other MAGA supporters after the Daily Mail ran a story on theoretical ways the policy “could” slash meat consumption among Americans.

The Daily Mail reported that the US president’s climate plan “could limit” the consumption of burgers to just one a month.

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The Daily Mail ran an infographic suggesting that in order to meet Biden’s target of slashing greenhouse emissions to half by 2030, Americans might have to “cut 90 percent of red meat out of diet” and “eat only 4lbs a year”. The report also claim that the president’s climate plan “could limit” the consumption of burgers to just one a month.

However, at no point in his speech on 22 April during the “Virtual Leaders Summit on Climate” did the president announce any attempt to impose a curb on red meat consumption.

Tweeting the speculative argument as a proposal by the president, Donald Trump Jr tweeted: “I’m pretty sure I ate 4 pounds of red meat yesterday. That’s going to be a hard NO from me.”

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Rep. Lauren Boebert also took to Twitter, writing: “Joe Biden’s climate plan includes cutting 90 percent of red meat from our diets by 2030. They want to limit us to about four pounds a year. Why doesn’t Joe stay out of my kitchen?”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene lambasted the hypothetical proposal. “The Hamburglar. ‘No burgers for thee, but just for me’,” she wrote.

Several social media users took to Twitter to slam the conclusions drawn both by the Republicans and the paper.

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“In children’s terms, the study found that if people reduce meat-eating by a lot, emissions would fall a lot. Daily Mail was like…Biden wants to cut emissions by a lot. Therefore, he’ll force people to reduce meat-eating by the same amount this random study looked at,” wrote CNN journalist Daniel Dale as he shared the screengrabs of the January 2020 study by the University of Michigan.

“This is a complete lie and I’ve seen it no less than five times this morning already. The Biden plan includes no such thing,” said another user. “If you care to have a taxonomy of what happened, Biden announced a goal to cut emissions by 2030. It didn’t include anything about how Americans’ consumption would change, so the Daily Mail more or less made some things up and threw them in an infographic.”

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