Dem Challenger Sara Gideon Outraises Susan Collins By Large Margins: Report

Ron Delancer

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has increasingly become less and less popular among Maine voters due to her support for Donald Trump on certain issues.

While Collins considers herself more of a centrist Republican, she has chosen to side with Trump on multiple occasions – including the approval of Brett Kavanaugh and not voting to remove the president from office.

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According to new reports, Collins’ potential Democratic candidate Sara Gideon has outraised her by millions.

“House Speaker Sara Gideon, the frontrunner in an upcoming Democratic primary to challenge U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, raised $8.1 million during the pre-primary period, extending her fundraising lead over the incumbent Republican,” the Bangor Daily News reported Thursday.

“Updated fundraising reports were due to the federal government on Thursday covering the period from April 1 through June 24. Gideon’s fundraising surge put her over $23 million in total money raised. She spent $7.2 million in the period, leaving her with $5.5 million in cash on hand. It is the first time she has been left with more cash than Collins after a fundraising period,” the newspaper reported. “Collins raised $3 million while spending $3.6 million, according to federal filings. That brings her total fundraising this cycle to $16.2 million. Her campaign had $5 million in cash on hand at the end of the period.”

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You can read the full report HERE.

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