Cow Manure: Devin Nunes Suggests Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contains Evidence That Biden Family Is Involved In Russia’s Possible Invasion Of Ukraine

Ron Delancer

Former GOP Rep. Devin Nunes and current Trump Media chief appeared on Fox News on Sunday to tie Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine to the Biden family and to demand that “hundreds and hundreds and hundreds” of media outlets investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop, claiming that it contains “major evidence” that the Biden’s are connected to the conflict.

Nunes’s demand came as he connected Russia’s possible invasion of Ukraine to the Biden family.

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“Where are we today?” Nunes asked. “Remember, the invasion of Ukraine started in 2014 under Obama and Biden,” Nunes told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. “It was the Obama-Biden administration that wanted to give them blankets and then it was this Hunter Biden laptop where the information existed when they were impeaching a president over this, ” he said.

“Clearly, the information was out there that it was really the Bidens who had issues, not just with Ukraine, taking money from Ukraine, but also Russia, also China,” he added.

The former lawmaker also suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin is in control of the conflict because the United States won’t intervene.

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“And I believe what they’re going to do is, you know, probably, you know, force the hands of the Ukrainian people and basically put a choice in their hands of do they really want to fight and have bloodshed or is Putin going be able to install someone that he can control?” the former congressman said.

Bartiromo then asked whether Biden has “conflicts of interests” that were dictating his decisions around Ukraine.

“This is major evidence that sat on that laptop,” Nunes replied. “The FBI had it for over a year and nothing was done with it. So in a normal world, unlike the one that we live in now with this dystopian media that we have and social media, you would have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of media folks, reporters, investigative reporters doing work on this.”

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“Sadly, you’ve only had a few,” he added. “The American people deserve the right to know, what is it that the Russians, the Chinese or the Ukrainians have on politicians in this country. That information is known to the FBI, but yet, the American people still don’t have a clue.”

Watch the interview below:

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