‘Clown’ Trump Drowned In Scorn For Sharing Fake Video Of Biden Playing ‘F— Tha Police’

Ron Delancer

Social media users are hammering President Donald Trump for sharing a fake video Wednesday morning that made it seem that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was playing the NWA song “F— tha Police.”

It’s the latest example of Trump retweeting a fake, doctored or manipulated image or message from his Twitter account.

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The tweet comes as the president is leaning into a law-and-order message on the campaign trail and as he trails Biden in national and swing-state polls.

“What is this all about?” Trump wrote over the fake video in which Biden is depicted as playing the NWA song from 1988 at a Hispanic Heritage Month event.

Twitter flagged the video as “manipulated media.”

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In the original, widely shared version, Biden instead plays “Despacito” from his phone after being introduced by Puerto Rican artist Luis Fonsi, who released the song last year.

White House officials did not immediately return requests for comment.

Check Trump’s tweet and some of the reactions below:

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