Christian Trump Supporter Says Trump’s Infamous ‘Covfefe’ Tweet Was A Warning That COVID-19 Was Coming

Ron Delancer

A new theory has emerged among supporters of Donald Trump. This time they are arguing that the president’s infamous “covfefe” tweet was actually a warning that COVID-19 was coming.

The theory emerged on Wednesday night when The McFiles host Chris McDonald and his guest identified as L.T. of the YouTube channel “And We Know” discussed theories behind the outbreak of the coronavirus.

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According to L.T., Trump’s “covfefe” tweet was just code that translates to COVID-19.

“[QAnon] is a group of very intelligent folks that gathered together, I believe most of them were military, and they worked directly with the president and they’re communicating in a code that I could never even dream of using. ‘Covfefe’ was said by the President of the United States and his folks that were around him in a video when he first became the president. … Well then come to find out that COVID-19, when you break it down, is ‘Covfefe.’ So they were already sending a signal down range to the evil ones: ‘we know what’s going on.’”

Take a look at his theory in the video clip below:

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