Brian Kemp Denies Trump’s Final Attempt To Overturn Election Results In Georgia

Ron Delancer

The Washington Post reported on Saturday that Donald Trump called Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) on Saturday as a last attempt to get the GOP governor to overturn the election results by calling a special session where the legislature could declare him the winner of the state.

“Hours before he was scheduled to hold a rally in Georgia on behalf of the state’s two GOP senators, Trump pressed Kemp to call a special session of the state legislature to get lawmakers to override the results and appoint electors that would back him, according to a person familiar with the conversation,” reported Amy Gardner and Colby Itkowitz. “He also asked the governor to demand an audit of signatures on mail ballots, something Kemp has previously noted he has no power to do.”

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Kemp didn’t give Trump the light of day, according to the Post.

“Kemp declined the entreaty from Trump, according to the person,” continued the report. “The governor later referenced his conversation with Trump in a midday tweet, noting that he told the president that he’d already publicly advocated for a signature audit.”

Trump’s call was likely futile, noted the Post, because “Lawyers for [Secretary of State Brad] Raffensperger have determined that current law gives Georgia legislators no role in seating electors.”

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