Arizona Judge Denies Trump Team Request To Seal ‘Flimsy’ Evidence Of Voter Fraud In Maricopa County

Ron Delancer

A Superior Court judge in Arizona has denied a request by President Trump’s reelection team to seal evidence in a lawsuit alleging poll workers in Maricopa County “incorrectly rejected” Election Day votes, The Arizona Republic reported Wednesday.

Judge Daniel Kiley agreed with election officials’ assertion that the public “has a right to know how flimsy Trump’s evidence actually is.”

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According to the report, the Trump campaign claimed workers had disregarded procedure and that thousands of ballots could have been left uncounted or deemed “overvotes,” but Maricopa officials estimated Monday that only 180 ballots were potentially in jeopardy.

It’s a figure they said won’t “make one iota of difference,” according to election officials.

Arizona voter chose former Vice President Joe Biden over Donald Trump, with Biden currently leading President Trump 49.4% to 49.1% points.

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It was the first time the historically red state had voted blue since former president Bill Clinton’s win in 1996.

Although votes are still being counted, as of Monday evening Biden still had a 14,746-vote lead and a Trump comeback is unlikely.

The call for Arizona was one many said handed President-elect Biden the win — though Trump has refused to concede his position.

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