Analysis Shows DNC Collected Higher Ratings Than RNC On First Night

Ron Delancer

While Donald Trump loves to brag about “ratings,” he will be upset to find out that the first night of the Republican National Convention did not receive nearly as good a ratings as the Democratic National Convention.

According to The Lost Angeles Times, night one for the GOP convention scored about 15.8 million viewers. By contrast, the Democratic Party averaged about 18.7 million viewers over the major broadcast networks and leading three cable channels, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.

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The numbers do not count online views as those can only be self-reported by the networks themselves. For example, CNN cited “31 million unique visitors and more than 9 million video starts across its desktop, mobile and OTT devices,” the network said on the first night of the Democratic convention.

Trump promised that the convention will be filled with “hope” and “unity.” After the first night of the RNC, we can all see that that’s not the case.

You can read more HERE.

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