After Torching Matt Gaetz, Ron Perlman Is Now Raining Hell On Ted Cruz

Ron Delancer

Actor Ron Perlman ramped up his clap-back game to legendary levels while roasting conservative politicians on Twitter over the weekend. Both Rep Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Donald Trump took heat from the “Hellboy” star’s wrath. Then, Sen. Ted Cruz decided to attack Perlman. It didn’t go well.

First, the actor hammered Matt Gaetz after the representative ripped U.S. soccer for finally allowing players to kneel in protest during the national anthem. “You shouldn’t get to play under our flag as our national team if you won’t stand when it is raised,” he wrote.

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Tagging Trump, who has threatened to boycott games with kneeling, Perlman sniped: “The US Soccer team called and you guessed it… said they couldn’t give any less of a fuck about what you two dipshits think.”

Perlman then went after Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), prompting Ted Cruz to try and arrange a wrestling match between Jordan and Perlman. Cruz offered to bet $10,000 for charity that Perlman couldn’t last five minutes with Jordan, a former collegiate wrestler and coach… And hell broke loose.

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Perlman replied by counter-proposing that Jordan be left out of the match because of his “problematic” relationship with wrestling ― the congressman has been accused of ignoring sexual abuse claims of wrestlers while he coached at Ohio State.

So Perlman proposed a match against Cruz instead. “I’ll give 50k to Black Lives Matter and you can keep all the tax payer money you were thinking of spending,” the “Hand of God” alum wrote.

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Stay tuned!

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