Sinking Ship: Biden Lawyer’s Scathing Letter Declares GOP Impeachment Circus Dead

Staff Writer By Staff Writer

President Joe Biden’s lawyer Edward Siskel didn’t mince words in his scathing missive to Mike Johnson, dripping with sarcasm that could rival a lemon’s bitterness.

Siskel, with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, buried the GOP-led impeachment probe in a six-foot grave, urging Johnson to quit wasting oxygen on what he deemed a theatrical sideshow.

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In his epistle of disdain, Siskel dared Johnson to shift gears and focus on something remotely useful, implying that the circus surrounding the impeachment charade was a waste of everyone’s precious time.

“It is obviously time to move on, Mr. Speaker. This impeachment is over,” Siskel wrote, according to Axios. “There is too much important work to be done for the American people to continue wasting time on this charade.”

And as if to add insult to injury, Siskel rubbed salt in the GOP’s wounds, gleefully pointing out the abysmal failure of their witch hunt. He even threw in some choice quotes from disillusioned House Republicans, just for good measure.

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Not content with just burying the probe, Siskel mocked Republican cries for more evidence, likening them to a desperate swimmer clutching at a lead balloon, futilely trying to keep their sinking ship afloat.

Even the Republican ringleader of this farcical drama, Rep. James Comer, begrudgingly admitted defeat, acknowledging that their impeachment dreams were as dead as a doornail. But rather than gracefully accepting defeat, Comer’s grasping at straws, attempting to pivot to a futile pursuit of criminal referrals against Biden, conveniently forgetting that DOJ policy puts a bullet through that plan before it even leaves the chamber.

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