Woman’s Nose Ripped Off By Dog That Got Startled By Her Teeth Whitening

Staff Writer

A Middletown, Connecticut woman had her nose ripped off by her boyfriend’s rescue dog after it was seemingly “startled by her teeth whitening”.

During the bizarre attack, 30-year-old Olivia Quast bent down to feed the dog when he suddenly lunged at her face, Metro News reports.\

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Quast, a self-confessed “cat person,” said she didn’t like dogs until she moved in with her boyfriend Graeme Stasyshyn, 44, and his rescue dog Bentley, a six-year-old dog. She said Bentley was the first dog she “ever loved,” according to the report.

But when she bent down to feed Bentley, a pointer, pitbull, and bulldog mix, on 3 February, he dug his teeth into her nose and ripped it off. She touched her face and was horrified when she found that her nose “wasn’t there”.

Bentley attacked her two more times before she managed to kick him off, leaving her with a “mangled arm”.

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Olivia Quast, 30, attacked by dog

Quast said she believes that Bentley could have been spooked by the UV light from her teeth-whitening mouth guard.

“I had no idea he was going to lunge at me, it was a total shock,” she said, according to the report. “We didn’t have a poor relationship, the night before he snuggled in my bed [and] I tucked him into all my blankets.”

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She added: “The only thing that made sense was that this UV light [from the mouth guard] triggered something in his brain,” she added. “He lunged, and he got my nose first, I was in shock and disbelief.”

Quast said she then raced to the restroom where she called her family who called an ambulance and she was soon taken to Hartford Hospital in Connecticut.

The couple made the hard decision to put Bentley down following the attack.

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