Former White House Official Says Biden Shouldn’t Run For Reelection Because He’s Too Old

Ron Delancer

On Wednesday, former White House adviser David Gergen said that President Joe Biden, as well as several congressional leaders, shouldn’t run for reelection suggesting they are too old for the jobs they are holding and that it was time for a new generation of leaders to take the leadership helm

Speaking on CNN’s “New Day,” Gergen said there’s “a real risk” in electing someone who would be governing into his 80s.

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“We have an election coming up in 2024, in which is very possible that we will have Donald Trump facing off against Joe Biden. If one of those people wins the presidency, he will be governing while he’s in his 80 year … age,” Gergen, a senior political analyst for CNN, said.

“We’ve never seen anything like that before. And frankly, I think it’s a real risk. You know, I just turned 80, and I can just tell you John, you lose a step. Your judgment is not quite as clear as it was. There’s a variety of other things you can’t do much about and to put somebody in that office with those kinds of vulnerabilities and giving them four years, we don’t know where things will go.”

Gergen said he believed it would be a “mistake” for either Democrats or Republicans to nominate a presidential candidate it to essentially govern in their 80s.

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“I think that the baby boomer population general, the people … who were born after the war ended, they’ve had their time in the sandbox now and governing,” Gergen said. “And I think, frankly, that while there have been some good things, there’s generally been a sense of disappointment about, you know, how well they’ve governed … how badly they’ve governed.”

Biden has reportedly said that he planned to run again in 2024.

Watch Gergen’s interview below:

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