The Daily Show on Thursday unveiled a new skit titled, “Unsolved Mysteries: MAGA Edition” and featured multiple clips of Donald Trump, Jr. The show examines the disconnect from reality in recent comments by Donald Trump’s eldest son.
“In recent weeks, Donald Trump, Jr., the oldest, least Eric-y son of Donald Trump, has been complaining that a politician has not been punshed for his alleged sex crimes,” a man in a trench coat noted. “It raises an uncomfortable question: Does Don, Jr. know who his father is? Seriously.”
“You might imagine that Donald Trump, Jr. definitely knows who is dad is. The man says the words ‘my father’ more than the Pope,” the man explained as he aired several clips of Don Jr. “And yet, in recent years a mysterious thing happened, Don, Jr. started talking like a man who had no damn idea Donald Trump was his daddy.”
“Does Don, Jr. think that he got that job at the Trump Organization because he wrote a good cover letter? Does Donald Trump, Jr. not know what the word ‘junior’ means?”
“What explains this mystifying lack of self-awareness?” the host asked. “Is it possible that the unthinkable is true, that Don, Jr. doesn’t know that Donald Trump is his father?”
“Investigators have combed through days of footage of Don, Jr. and Donald together, but have not found a single hug or even an affectionate hug between the two.”
Does Don Jr. know who his father is?
That’s this week on Unsolved Mysteries: MAGA Edition
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) March 26, 2021