A fatal shooting took place on Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, after a white male opened fire during a Black Lives Matter protest and killed two people while injuring another.
Many people caught the shooting on video, one of which shows the shooter walking with his hands up and his gun around his neck as police trucks drove by him.
Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth told The New York Times his office is investigating whether the shooting resulted from a conflict between demonstrators and a group of men with weapons who were protecting businesses.
“We’ve got a lot of resources that are helping us pull this stuff together,” Beth said of the shooting investigation.
A widely shared video shows a man sprinting into a car lot at 63th Street and Sheridan Road, carrying a long gun. Someone pursuing him appears to throw something toward him. Multiple gunshots are heard.
Other videos show a man who seems to be the same man wielding a long gun while running north on Sheridan Road, being pursued by people screaming that he shot someone. He falls to the ground and fires the gun at people who seem to be trying to disarm him. While on the ground, he appears to shoot two of them, one in the torso and another in the arm.
The gunman is then seen heading north toward several police tactical vehicles, his arms raised, according to video footage. The tactical vehicles drive by him.
This is a developing story…