5-Year-Old Boy Pulled Over In Utah Highway On His Way To California To Buy a Lamborghini. He Had $3

Ron Delancer

On Monday, a Utah state trooper pulled over what he thought was an impaired driver. Turns out it was a five-year-old boy on his way to California to try to buy a Lamborghini, the Utah Highway Patrol said.

The officer trooper spotted the vehicle weaving on Interstate 15 at 30 mph, according to CNN.

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UHP posted a tweet reporting the incident. They said boy left in his parents SUV after arguing with his mother, who said she would not buy the luxury car for him.

Troopers told CNN affiliate KSL-TV they initially thought the boy was an impaired driver.

“How old are you? You’re 5 years old?” Trooper Rick Morgan says in dash camera footage of the traffic stop. “Wow … Where did you learn to drive a car?”

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Morgan told KSL-TV he had to help the child get the SUV into park.

“He was sitting on the front edge of the seat so that he could reach the brake pedal to keep the car stopped while I was standing there,” he said.

The child told the trooper he had intended to drive to California to purchase a Lamborghini for himself. He had $3. The starting price for a new Lamborghini is around $200,000.

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Watch the video of the incident below:

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