6 Members Of Florida Church Die From COVID, 10 Days After Refusing To Take Vaccine

Ron Delancer

Six unvaccinated members of a Jacksonville, Florida, church have died from COVID-19 in the last 10 days, and more of their members are currently in the hospital, according to Senior Pastor George Davis at Impact Church.

Davis told local station News4Jax on Friday his phone hasn’t stopped ringing in the last week.

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“In the last 10 days, we have had six members of our church who passed away from COVID. Four of them were under the age of 35. All of them were healthy, and the only thing they had in common was they were not vaccinated,” he said.

He says 15 to 20 members are now in the hospital, another 10 or so are at home with the virus and three to five vaccinated members also tested positive.

“It’s pain,” Davis said. “These are actual people that I know, that I have pastored. One 24-year-old kid, I’ve known him since he was a toddler.”

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Davis said it was late July when they first learned a member tested positive. From then, it’s been a cascade of additional cases. Those who passed, he says, weren’t in the hospital long before they died.

During church services, Davis pushed to get more people vaccinated.

“All I know is my heart’s passion is to help the people that I’m called to serve and do whatever I can to help see to it that they are in a healthier place,” Davis said, according to the station.

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