Women Trump Voters Filled With ‘Guilt’ After Voting ‘That Moron’ Into Office: Report

Ron Delancer

Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian spoke with a few regretful women Trump voters who have no intention of voting for him in this year’s election.

Gabbatt specifically spoke with college-educated white women, whose vote was narrowly won by Donald Trump in 2016.

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Claudia Luckenbach-Boman, who was a 19-year-old college student in 2016, expressed her regret for voting for Trump.

“I really failed my fellow American citizens,” she said. “I’m extremely disappointed in myself, and sometimes I am really afraid to talk about it.

“If I were to vote again for Donald Trump in 2020, it would be just as much a failure as an American, but also a failure as a human being,” she added.

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Gabbatt spoke to another woman, who only wanted to be identified as “Julie,” who said she wants to “apologize to the world” for her Trump vote.

“I feel so guilty for having a part in voting this moron in,” she said.

Monica Rey Haft of Dallas, who also voted for Trump, is now hoping for a Biden win.

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“I’m riddled with guilt,” she said. “I know it wasn’t my vote that single-handedly that put him there, but I think with a lot of Republicans it was a lack of checking into it, it was just falling down party lines, it was disgust and disdain for Hillary Clinton and her policies, and I regret that. I regret that I wasn’t more informed.”

Haft assumed that once Trump was elected, his behavior would mature.

“I thought it’s gotta be a shtick, it can’t be real. I thought he would behave like a human being, that he was gonna change,” she said. “Over a few days, it was probably several tweets, or something I heard him say, I thought: ‘Oh my God. This is who this person is.’ And I immediately just thought he wasn’t going to be fit.”

You can read Gabbatt’s full report HERE.

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