Video Shows Woman Trying To Burn Down Black Church In California

Ron Delancer

A disturbing video obtained by local station KCBS shows a woman trying to burn down the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Berkeley, California, for a second time.

The station reported Thursday that “in the seven-minute video clip recorded on a Saturday in mid-August, the woman poured lighter fluid outside the church. Then, she threw bricks at the building’s windows in the early morning, making two separate attempts to set the historically Black church ablaze.”

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“Pastor [Kevin] Craddock said he didn’t notice the damage until the next day after the Sunday morning service,” the report added.

“By the grace of God the lighter wouldn’t take, it wouldn’t come on full force and nothing was being lit up,” said Craddock. “It was very painful to watch. Very concerning in 2021 to see someone attempt to burn down an African American church. I feel it deeply.”

Police believe that the attack was a hate crime.

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Hate crimes have risen in recent years, reaching their highest level since 2008, according to FBI data. Last December, Washington, D.C. police opened an investigation into damage to Black churches after a pro-Trump march of the far-right Proud Boys group.

Watch the report below:

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