Trump’s Social App Already Facing Lawsuit For Copying Solar Company Logo

Ron Delancer

Truth Social, the highly hyped new “free speech” App founded by Donald Trump, is running into trouble since its botched launch in Apple’s App Store last night.

People attempting to sign up for the App have reported error messages and found themselves added to a growing waitlist, with some of them seeing their queue number go up rather than down.

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But that’s not even the most serious problem the new social network is facing. The App also faces the risk of legal action from TRAILAR, “a British company whose logo is almost identical to that being used by the platform,” noted The Independent.

“We are now seeking legal advice to understand next steps and options available to protect our brand,” the company told the Independent.

“TRAILAR has no affiliation or connection with the Truth Social network site, with our business firmly focused on decarbonizing global transport through the use of solar and data driven technologies.”

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The Independent also highlighted a tweet by user z3dster pointing out that the Truth Social logo closely resembles that of the British company.

Read more on The Independent.

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