Trump Whines Protesters Are ‘Denigrating Luxury Avenue’ By Painting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Around Trump Tower

Ron Delancer

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump fired off a raging tweet slamming Black Lives Matter protesters in New York City and accusing the city of “denigrating” the area around Trump Tower by painting a “Black Lives Matter” sign on 5th Avenue.

In his tweet, Trump complained that the sign was supposedly an attack on law enforcement officers, and then went on to say it would harm his brand by being painted so close to his signature building.

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“NYC is cutting Police $’s by ONE BILLION DOLLARS, and yet the NYC Mayor is going to paint a big, expensive, yellow Black Lives Matter sign on Fifth Avenue, denigrating this luxury Avenue,” the president wrote. “Maybe our GREAT Police, who have been neutralized and scorned by a mayor who hates & disrespects them, won’t let this symbol of hate be affixed to New York’s greatest street.”

Trump has posted five different tweets so far today, and none of them have mentioned the COVID-19 pandemic that is infecting an average of more than 40,000 Americans every day, and that has so far killed more than 127,000 U.S. residents.

Trump’s tweet was met with an avalanche of negative responses.

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