Trump Suffers Christmas Eve Defeat In Wisconsin Election Lawsuit

Ron Delancer

On Thursday evening, a panel of three judges on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, all of whom were appointed by Republican presidents, dealt another blow to President Donald Trump by affirming the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by Trump after losing the popular vote and, thus, the electoral college tally in the State of Wisconsin, Law & Crime reports.

The ruling is yet another loss for Trump in a long string of losing election-related lawsuits. Trump previously lost at the district court level on the merits, one of his own appointees famously ruled twelve days ago.

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Senior Circuit Judge Joel Flaum, a Reagan appointee, joined judges Ilana Rovner (a George H. W. Bush appointee) and Michael Y. Scudder (a Trump appointee) affirmed the district court’s tossing of the suit on two grounds. In essence, the judges unanimously ruled that Wisconsin’s election was conducted correctly and that Trump waited too long to complain about the procedures employed.

In their ruling, the judges wrote: “We agree that Wisconsin lawfully appointed its electors in the manner directed by its Legislature and add that the President’s claim also fails because of the unreasonable delay that accompanied the challenges the President now wishes to advance against Wisconsin’s election procedures.”

The opinion points out that Trump filed suit two days after Wisconsin’s governor certified the results of his state’s election in favor of Joe Biden and transmitted the certification to the National Archives.

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