Trump-Loving Pastor Attacks COVID-19 Vaccine As ‘Tyranny’, Claims People Who Take It ‘Will Die’

Ron Delancer

Evangelical pastor and President Trump supporter Rodney Howard-Brown, claimed at a recent service at his church that the COVID-19 vaccine currently being developed is part of a plot by the United Nations to force everyone to take the vaccine which he says will kill them.

Howard-Brown, who has been holding in-person services at his Tampa, Florida, church for two months, is using his sermons to spread dangerous misinformation about the coronavirus, according to Right Wing Watch.

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During a recent service, Howard-Brown claimed that the coronavirus vaccine that will eventually be rolled out is a “mark” imposed by a tyrannical system.

“There is nothing that is happening today that is by accident — from the rioting, from the looting, from the pillaging, from stirring up a racial war to try to disband our police department so that they can bring in a United Nations police force of 500,000 people that are not loyal to the American people and they’re not loyal to the Constitution, so they can force exactly what they want to take place in America, which let me tell you will be gun confiscation, ultimately,” Howard-Brown said. “That’s why they’re trying to push this thing with COVID-19. They’re trying to drag it out so they can put masks on every single person because that is the forced compliance that will come, and then everybody will have to get a vaccine.”

“This is tyranny that has been forced upon the American people by medicine … Let me tell you, here is one pastor that is not gonna play dead and I’m not rolling over,” he continued. “I don’t care if I have to get arrested again. And I actually don’t care if I have to get killed. We will not compromise.”

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Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:

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