Trump Demanded Execution Of Leaker Who Revealed He Fled To His Bunker During Protest: Report

Ron Delancer

A furious Donald Trump demanded that officials in his government find out who leaked the fact that he fled to his bunker during the George Floyd protests in D.C. and wanted them tried for treason and then executed, CNN reports, citing Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s bombshell book, “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost.

As the report notes, Trump, his wife Melania and son Barron were escorted to the bunker — news of which quickly made it to the press, which caused the president to blow up.

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The former president then “held a tense meeting with top military, law enforcement and West Wing advisers, in which he aired grievances over the leak,” according to the report.

Bender revealed that “Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president,” with Bender reporting Trump yelled, “Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason! They should be executed!”

The book adds that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows interceded and “repeatedly tried to calm the president as startled aides avoided eye contact,” while assuring Trump, “I’m on it. We’re going to find out who did it.”

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The report notes that Trump obsessed over it for days afterward and “those who said they’d heard the president issue that warning had interpreted the outburst as a sign of a president in panic.”

You can read more on CNN.

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