Trump Chief Of Staff Crashes And Burns On CBS As Host Grills Him Over Vaccine ‘Interference’

Ron Delancer

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows found himself drowning in his own talking points during a CBS interview on Sunday as he insisted that there is no reason for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to adopt additional rigorous testing guidelines for the COVID-19 vaccine candidates being quickly developed.

Meadows was confronted by host Margaret Brennan who explained that “the FDA is supposed to be issuing these stricter guidelines,” while calling him out for interfering with the process and challenging him “to justify doing that.”

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“You’re not a doctor,” the CBS host continued. “Why insert yourself politically into this, which feeds these concerns about interference?”

“So, Margaret, your producer obviously didn’t do a good job of informing you,” Meadows shot back. “What we actually have is new guidance that’s coming out. My question is, why would that new guidance come out after we’ve already spent $30 billion in doing that.”

“And my challenge to the FDA is just make sure it’s based on science and real numbers,” he said.

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“Why would the FDA not be basing it on science?” Brennan wondered.

“Well, why would you think that we would need new guidance after we’ve developed vaccines and drugs for decades?” Meadows replied. “And then all of the sudden we’re going to change something in the last two weeks. The question is why, Margaret? I mean, why would we do that?”

“I’m optimistic that guidance will come out based on good science and ultimately our FDA guidelines will make sure all people who take a vaccine can do that with some kind of assurance that the process is meted out properly,” he added.

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Watch the interview below from CBS.

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