Trump Attorney Loses It After Bill Barr Shoots Down Trump’s Demand For A Special Counsel

Ron Delancer

One of Donald Trump’s election attorney’s took to Twitter on Monday shortly after Attorney General William Barr shot down claims that a new special counsel would be appointed to investigate Hunter Biden.

When taking questions, Barr poured cold water on President Donald Trump’s attempts to lash out at President-elect Joe Biden and his family. Trump proposed a “special counsel” be appointed to investigate Biden’s son and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) similarly crafted his own Senate investigation. According to Barr, it’s all a waste of taxpayer dollars as an investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings was “being handled responsibly and professionally.”

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“I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave,” Barr told reporters. He said that it wasn’t necessary for Biden or for alleged election fraud.

“Maybe you should sit down now, Bill. You certainly did enough sitting down on the job,” Trump attorney Jenna Ellis said on Twitter upon seeing the Barr report.

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