Trump Adviser Goes On 10-Minute Rant On Live TV, Blames COVID-19 Spikes On Chinese And Attacks Dr. Fauci: Watch

Ron Delancer

In a conspiracy-filled rant, White House economic advisor Pete Navarro blamed the Chinese government for the spike in coronavirus cases in the United States while also attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci.

At one point in the interview, MSNBC’s Ali Velshi had to ask, “What are you talking about?”

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Navarro tried to blame the “Chinese Communist Party” for the disease, saying “they spawned the virus, they hid virus, they sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationalists over here to seed and spread the virus before we knew.”

He also claimed the virus “probably” came from a Chinese lab and argued, “this looks like a weaponized virus.”

You can see the full rant in the video clip below:

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