The Names ‘Alex Jones And Roger Stone’ Are All Over a Federal Probe In Connection With Capitol Riot

Ron Delancer

Right-wing conspiracy peddler Alex Jones and Trump ally Roger Stone are under investigation by federal authorities in connection with the January 6 deadly riot on Capitol Hill, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

The FBI and Department of Justice are investigating whether Stone Jones played a significant role in encouraging the invasion of the U.S. Capitol, according to The Post.

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The report noted that federal investigators are “principally seeking to understand what the rioters were thinking — and who may have influenced beliefs — which could be critical to showing their intentions at trial. Investigators also want to determine whether anyone who influenced them bears enough responsibility to justify potential criminal charges, such as conspiracy or aiding the effort, the officials said. That prospect is still distant and uncertain, they emphasized.”

Jones, who has claimed the government is feminizing the population through tap water and the Sandy Hook shooting was staged, pledged money to the pre-riot “Save America” election protest in exchange for a speaking slot, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.

Meanwhile, Roger Stone, a former Trump campaign adviser who was pardoned for witness tampering and false statements in the Russia investigation, was caught on video in D.C. flanked by a right-wing militia as the attack was beginning to unfold.

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“A key task for prosecutors and agents is to sift through the multitude of motives and intentions of the roughly 800 people in the mob that descended upon the Capitol — from those who came as individuals drawn to the idea of derailing Joe Biden’s presidency before it began, to those who allegedly began organizing immediately after the election to show up in Washington in large numbers to use force to try to keep Trump in power,” said the WaPo report.

You can read more at The Washington Post.

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