Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Says God Told Him People Need To Donate ‘$300 Million’ To His Ministry

Ron Delancer

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, who has a net worth of over $300 million, said during a live-stream that God came to him and told him that his ministry needed to raise $300 million this year.

Copeland told his Christian crew that God told him he needed to raise $300 million this year… and that’s when his lawyers got to work.

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“This ministry will receive, this year — are you listening to me now? God just kept laying this on me, just kept laying this on me… of course, I didn’t have any idea all of this [virus] mess was gonna happen, but God did — and the Lord had already dropped in my spirit and in my heart several years ago — about three years ago — that the income of this ministry, this year, had to be $300 million!” he said before adding: “Amen! Had to be!”

He continued: “So in response to what He kept pushing me to do, we prepared a heavenly grant — our attorney looked at it and he put it in proper legal language. We took copies of that. Members of the board, if they haven’t already, will get a copy of that. Thank God. And it is on file in Heaven. It’ll come in this year. It can’t not come in this year. And there’s no virus gonna keep it from happening in my house or yours.”

Take a look at his remarks in the video clip below:

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