Rudy Giuliani Says Losing Election Lawsuits Is Part of The Strategy To Win In Appeal

Ron Delancer

During an interview with Fox Business on Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani unviled a bizarre strategy to pull off a 2020 election victory for Donald Trump: Losing election lawsuits in order to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and win.

The Trump campaign has filed more than a dozen lawsuits on behalf of the president since election day and none of them have produced results. But Giuliani told host Maria Bartiromo that the Trump campaign is “prepared” to lose election those lawsuits because that’s part of the plan.

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“Frankly, this is a case we would like to see get to the Supreme Court,” Giuliani said of one lawsuit in Pennsylvania. “So, you know, we’re prepared in some of these cases to lose and to appeal and to get it to the Supreme Court.”

“You’re not going to win every one of these,” he continued. “I don’t want to say it’s because of a Democrat judge or whatever. Some of them are just as fair as anybody. But in some cases you win, in some cases you lose.”

“The most important thing is this will be our first established vehicle on the way to the Supreme Court,” Giuliani said.

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