Police Scramble After Anti-Vaxxer Violently Attacks COVID Workers In California

Ron Delancer

A California man is facing assault charges after he attacked a group of health care workers providing COVID tests and vaccinations outside a clinic operated in a parking lot by Families Together of Orange County, ABC7 News reports.

Clinic workers said that the suspect, identified as 43-year-old Thomas Apollo, of Powey, called yelled “murderers” as he threw punches like a mad man. Apollo grew angrier after a security guard asked him to wear a mask, accusing workers of being complicit in a COVID-19 “hoax” and saying he was “not a sheep.”

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Health care workers said Apollo called them “murderers,” accusing them of forming part of a COVID-19 hoax, of killing people with vaccines. They said Apollo grew angrier after a security guard asked him to wear a mask.

In the recording, Apollo is seen punching an employee before pinning down another and hitting him several times. That employee was still recovering Friday and is back to work after receiving emergency medical care.

Police said it took seven officers and several shocks with stun guns to subdue and arrest Apollo, who was booked on battery and resisting arrest.

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