Pentagon Officially Bans The Display Of Confederate Flags On All Military Property

Ron Delancer

The Pentagon announced on Friday that it has established a new policy that effectively bans the display of the Confederate flag on all military property.

Politico obtained a copay of the policy. According to the report, the policy “reflects an effort to find a compromise on the divisive issue, as Defense Secretary Mark Esper strives to satisfy military leaders without irking President Donald Trump.”

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As Politico notes, the policy bans the flag without actually naming it.

A draft version of the policy reportedly explicitly banned the Confederate flag on Defense Department property.

But the official language lists the types of flags that are allowed to be displayed – none of which include the confederate flag.

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“The flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols,” Esper wrote in the memo. The guidance applies to the public displays of flags by service members or DoD civilians “in all DoD work places, common access areas, and public areas.”

Exceptions to the ban include museum exhibits, license plates, grave sites, and works of art “where the nature of the display or depiction cannot reasonably be viewed as endorsement of the flag by the Department of Defense.”

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