NO BACKBONE: Republicans Ripped For Crouching In Fear As ‘Florida Retiree’ Threatens The Constitution

Ron Delancer

Republicans are being mocked for failing to condemn Donald Trump’s call to terminate the U.S. Constitution out of sheer fear of retaliation by the MAGA leader.

On Monday, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski and Charles Sykes addressed the stunning GOP cowardice before the “Florida retiree” in a blistering segment “Morning Joe” segment.

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“You have to evaluate racism. You have to evaluate antisemitism, and core values. And you have to evaluate determining the Constitution?” Brzezinski began. “There is no Republican. There was no one who can call themselves a conservative, quite frankly, there’s no one who can call themselves an American and still support Donald Trump.”

“And Republicans you know, this your inner corner he’s put you in there and works squished into that corner and the question is, are you going to man up and step out?” she added

“I feel like we’re in some sort of an insane alternative reality simulation here, Sykes replied. “I mean, in the last two weeks, you’ve had Donald Trump pledge solidarity for the January 6 rioters. He has dinner with an actual neo-Nazi and a notorious anti-Semite who is a fan of Adolph Hitler. And then he calls for terminating all the laws, including the articles of the Constitution.”

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“And the Republican Party. The fact that they cannot draw the line here is really extraordinary, although perhaps not new.” Sykes said. “It is as if Donald Trump has gone full troll. How far can you push this? How much can you get them to swallow?”

“The bottom line is it’s not just what he can get Republicans to swallow because making complete fools of you and everything you stand for and everything you’ve ever worked for her life, but he’s a danger to our country. These are dangerous statements. He is telling you what he wants to do.”

You can watch the segment below.

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