A group of neo-Nazis took to the streets of Williamsport, Pennsylvania on Saturday for a march against Black Lives Matter.
“Despite assurances they would not appear, approximately 15 members of National Socialist Movement (NSM), many of them armed, rallied in Williamsport’s Brandon Park Saturday afternoon,” PennLive reports.
“They made a profanity-laced racial insult at an African-American woman who went by on the street,” PennLive reported. “A female member proclaimed ‘God hates the gays’ and led a chant against them using the ‘F’ word.”
“The group carried NSM flags that were a combination of a swastika and American flag and wore Nazi armbands. A few carried shields and several gave the Nazi salute during the rally and as they were leaving,” PennLive reported.
The march was held illegally after the group were declined a permit due to COVID-19 regulations, according to Northcentral PA.
You can see photos of the event below:
Brandon Park in Williamsport right now. @northcentralpa pic.twitter.com/9qbVQhcLqK
— Brett R. Crossley (@BrettCrossley44) July 18, 2020
Williamsport PA today.#Punchnazis pic.twitter.com/lxalZB5MDk
— Socially Distanced Before it was Cool (@DRodbone) July 18, 2020
Nazi rally in Williamsport, PA today.
My thoughts:
This is the master race?
So much Little Dick Energy tho.
Their Colorguard is awful. 🚩📯 pic.twitter.com/bxzAVYs5XI— Latisha Sweeting (@Tishy_Inez) July 18, 2020
"Master Race" 😂🤣😂🤣 specimen march in Williamsport. pic.twitter.com/1qLjoqw3pX
— Bass player for the Obelisk of Wokeness (@TheCindyJackson) July 18, 2020
Police breaking up a nazi rally in Williamsport PA pic.twitter.com/SgEQ2i1YC4
— Ho Bott LIVE (@HoBottLIVE) July 18, 2020
there was a march in Brandon park williamsport PA today pic.twitter.com/11adGx8QAX
— Theo Mastio (@theomastio) July 18, 2020
It just means "okay", guys. pic.twitter.com/vhfigzYvfX
— #1(312)🟥Rad🟥Dad (@no1raddad) July 18, 2020
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