Native Americans Block Road Leading To Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech: ‘This Is Stolen Land… We Intend To Stay Here’

Ron Delancer

Native Americans are standing in protest in South Dakota on a highway road leading to Mount Rushmore, where Donald Trump is set to give a speech.

“More than 100 protesters gathered on a highway leading to Mount Rushmore on Friday ahead of President Donald Trump’s speech at the monument,” Indian Country Today reports. “Native women in ribbon skirts created a line across the highway, behind them members of NDN Collective, a nonprofit Native advocacy organization, parked white vans across the road.”

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Officers have threatened arrest protesters who do not disperse, in violation of the Ft. Laramie Treaty of 1868, which was ratified by the United States Senate.

But according to Nick Tilson of NDN Collective, the group has “reclaimed the road.”

“We don’t need them to give us permission to do this on our land; we intend to stay here indefinitely throughout the night,” he explained.

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You can see a live feed of the event below:

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